Skils achieved, within the legal representation of Dopravní společnost Ústeckého kraje (Transportation Undertaking of Ústecký Region), the annulment of fine amounting to CZK 18 million in infringement proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition

Skils achieved another significant success in providing legal advice to Dopravní společnost Ústeckého kraje (Transportation Undertaking of Ústecký Region – “DSÚK”), when the Chairman of the Office for the Protection of Economic Competition annulled a previously imposed fine of CZK 18 million at the appeal stage. The fine, which was set at an exceptionally high level in the context of the decision-making practice of the Office in the public procurement segment, was originally imposed on DSÚK for alleged misconduct of DSÚK related to awarding of public contracts for the purchase of buses with an aggregate value of more than CZK 1 billion.

 The Chairman of the Office annulled the fine after the Supreme Administrative Court had fully agreed with the legal argumentation of the DSÚK represented by our law firm and concluded that the requirements of DSÚK concerning the quality of the buses did not constitute an unjustified restriction of competition nor lead to the absence of contractors. Consequently, the Chairman of the Office, in accordance with the conclusions of the administrative courts, affirmed that DSÚK did not break the law and did fully comply with the Public Procurement Act in the respective tender procedures.
