Collective of Skils lawyers, led by partner Jiří Kindl, published with C.H. Beck 2nd Edition Commentary on the Law of Significant Market Power

Professional publishing house C.H. Beck launched the 2nd edition of the SMP Law Commentary last week. Under the authorial guidance of Jiří Kindl, a partner of the Skils and a leading expert in the areas of dispute resolution and economic competition, including the regulation of significant market power, other Skils lawyers  and experts in this area also collaborated on the publication: Martin Koudelka, who already participated in the 1st edition, and Martin Holásek .

The new edition of the commentary builds on the success of the first edition and in particular responds to the significant amendment of the law, which implemented EU Directive 2019/633 (on unfair business practices between businesses in the agricultural and food chain) into the Czech legal environment from 1 January 2023. In the mentioned publication, the authors benefit from their extensive and rich experience in advising companies in the given area, including their representation in proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition, which was reflected in the very detailed elaboration of the commentary. It is also the only publication on the market dedicated to this area of ​​law, which significantly affects hundreds of companies in the Czech Republic and abroad.
